Thursday, June 9, 2011

Sono Ritornato in Italia!

Mi dispiace.  Questa e il mio primo post nell'un lungo tempo.  Per le scorso tre mese, Sono stato in Italia.  Prima sono ritornato a Siena, ero a Roma per lavoro.  Ho lavorato all'ambasciata degli stati uniti presso la santa sede.  Mi molto piaciuto lavorare all'ambasciata.  Ma, adesso, sono a Siena.  E Siena a molto bella, e molto piccola di Roma.  Il mio prima giorno a Siena ho solo andato sulla una passeggiata in giro la città, perché gli altri studenti erano su una gita a Firenze. Ho cominciato le mie classe il lunedì.  Noi abbiamo letto "The Prince" da Machiavelli.  Non mi piaciuto questo libro.

Scrivo in inglese per questa:

I really enjoyed the beginning of my first week in Siena and am getting along great with the people, both the Senese and the other students.  My host family is amazing and I will write more about them later but for now I leave you with some comments on Machiavelli's the Prince...

Machiavelli is pretentious.  However he does have some ideas that make sense.  These chapters in "the Prince" were about the qualities a prince should have both personally and regarding religion.  Machiavelli thinks that princes need to be feared in order to be respected and that they should pretend to follow god outwardly and but that they shouldn't follow faith internally.  Essentially speaking, to me, Machiavelli is saying that if you want to be successful as a Prince you have to be something you aren't, something worse, not only a liar, but a bad person.
While I understand that these qualities do indeed make a "successful" Prince, I do not think that they make a "good" one, nor do I believe this is a mentality we should take when striving for perfection.  I think when you're in a position of government you need to strive to be successful while being a good person...  you may not always be able to treat everyone well but you need to try.

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